Friday, 28 June 2013

Peavey T-60 . . . . The Black one!

This was my "go to" guitar, in the rehearsal room, for a good
couple of years.

This one is the later Blade, with Bat switches.

The all sound slightly different - this one is particularly powerful and 
once you get it singing, it will hold a note for ages.

Not much else I can say about this old fella, that I haven't said already 
about the Peavey T range. 

Just a nice guitar!

Will put up some better shots, in the future - a bunch of the "T's", 
all together.
I was having a bit of trouble with the camera/lighting on this one.
Must try harder!

Next time. . . .  another guitar, that I have had for almost forty years!!
There's a bit more of a story, to that one!

Cheers. :)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ibanez ST-55 Studio Series. . . . . .

Another Guitar!!

I've only had this around four years - I was going through an Ibanez
Guitar thing and saw this.

 I took a bit of a chance on this, as the guy who was selling it said that
it sounded great - he had upgraded the pick-ups, it had been gigged 
and may need to be re-fretted!
Yet, to me, looking at the images he had got, it looked pretty good.

After several e.mails, I decided that it was worth adding to the Ibanez

When I went to collect it, I was very pleasantly surprised!
Yes, it could do with a gentle wipe down and the strings were looking a 
little tired and tarnished but the frets looked great and there was barely
a mark on it, for something that was around 30 years old.
The deal was done.

Arriving back, I was able to give it a more detailed look over.
It was sweet!
There was, however, a bit of fret buzz, which seemed to relate to light
gauge strings and almost no relief on the neck!

There followed some cleaning and setting up, which took less than an
hour - a set of 10 to 42, tune up. . . . .  Wow!
Singing like a bird!

I have bought quite a few basses, where the description has been
"hard to play, as the strings are a long way off the frets" - these
showing the opposite problem - too much relief.

Anyway, back to the ST - A very Gibson like feel, big sound, a lot
of sustain, nice balance and about the right weight.

Currently, this is now strung with Ernie Ball Power Slinky strings,
11 - 48 and is tuned to Eb - half a tone down.

As I am on a roll, with Guitars - I'll throw in another one, next time.

Cheers. :) 

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latest post, go here:
Latest post. 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Ibanez Flying Vee. . . . .

A true blast from the past!!

This picture was taken around 1980, I think - just before a serious 
lack of funds, meant that I had to let it go.

I have no idea where it is now but it had a unique stainless steel
scratch-plate which had a machine turned design on it.

The shot is not very good, as it was taken on a Kodak Instamatic,
which was not the best bit of kit!!
I have managed to convert to digital, from some recently found 
negatives, with a handy negative scanner.
I had it's original case and drew a lot of attention, when the case 
was opened.
It was 33 years ago, so if I'm honest, I can't remember much about it.
I guess quite collectable, now.

Back soon with another Ibanez Guitar - thought I would do more of
the Six Strings.

Cheers. :)