Over the last couple of weeks, I have been playing my
Peter Cook Axis quite a lot and it has reminded me
just how good it is and as it gets what I now call TGSOP,
The Guitarists Seal of Approval, I think I shall be using
it for a while.

There are so many sounds that you can get out of this and it kicks
like a mule - we'll have no timid bass playing here!! :)
More Here:
As well as the Axis, I have been playing my RD Artist and have
come across another sound, which I have left it set at and it
sounds very nice - this also gets TGSOP. :)
More Here:http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.com/2010/08/gibson-rd-artist-bass.html

The new sound is achieved by making sure that when the
function switch is pushed towards the bridge - Bright, is should go
from 7 and 8 connected to 7 and 9 but by preventing it making
contact with 9, after it has left 7.
I did this by inserting a small piece of card, which kept the
contacts away from each other.
Anyone else ever done this??

And finally. . . . I have been playing one of my Blade T-40's,
it had an outing last night, which on this occasion, had the
drummer's seal of approval.
It's not this one but it is almost identical.

I have to say, I don't always get that lucky, I sometimes take
something new along and it gets the Oh No, No, No - not our
sound, at all!
Hey, you can't win 'em all! :)
Any questions, any info, ping me a message here:
Cheers. :)
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Cheers. :)
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