Anyone would like to correct me, no worries - Jon??
Anyway, that's what I think it is.
I have another Aria "Ricalike", neck thru and I think that
is a 750?
They made RE and RB Rickenbacker copies, so it's one of them. :)

It is a really nice one, with a great range of tones.
I think I said this on my post about my Greco Faker - when both
pick-ups are on, there is a lot of range on the pot - at least a quarter
turn, with subtle differences - not like almost all other basses - a
Jazz is on a knife edge.
My Greco is Mono, don't know why they didn't add the stereo but
both the Aria's have Ric-O-Sound and using the lead that I have
for my Magnum, a lot of fun can be had, using two amps an two cabs.
Dry and then add individual effects to bridge and neck - interesting!
This one has found a new home in The Czech Republic - tones of
Chris Squire, Geddy or Macca, will be ringing around Prague!
I have to say, that the few genuine Ric's I have played over the years
have never quite hit the spot with me - don't know why.
Copies, from this era, are very usable - Aria, Ibanez, Greco, Kasuga
and many more.
Gigged my Aria SB404 on Saturday - been a long while since it had an
outing but it reminded me what a great bass it is.
Certainly not the most powerful in terms of output but ease the gain up
one notch on the amp and feed in some of the tones on the bass, Nice!
Lovely feel to it - oiled finish. Mmm.
Cheers. :)
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