Thursday 27 June 2024

Peter Cook Firebird Twin Neck Guitar and the Julius Thurgood connection. . . .

 Well, what a small world - a full circle story, Julius saw the Firebird before I did and is still kicking himself! 😐😕

He had already mentioned that he had seen a Peter Cook Twin, at a Guitar Show and it turns out that it must have been the one I have! I sent him details of the one I bought from Harrogate, Yorkshire - this is his reply. . . . . .

Good evening Eric - Good to hear from you
The new posts look great and it's nice to get Peter the coverage he that he truly deserves.
Pretty manic here, as we have a big race meeting coming up on the 30th.

I'm pretty sure that the Peter Cook Firebird twin-neck is one and the same - surely Peter did not make many! I remember it being for sale (with case) for £750.

Keep up the good work.

All the best.

Anyone who has read this feature before, will have read that Peter did make another one, which ended up with Del Bromham, from Stray. Mine has the 12 on top and the 6 below - the one Del had, was 6 on the top.

If you click on the link and scroll down, you will see both of them.

 A 35mm shot of it from a previous owner in Nottinghamshire. 

So, purely from a twist of fate, Julius looked and admired it and now wishes he had bought it. As soon as I saw it on line, I moved quickly and managed to secure it.

If anyone else out there has a Peter Cook Guitar, that has not been featured on here, please get in touch via the comments button.

Cheers. 😎


Robert Shaw said...

I don't have one, but you can see Rob Jeffrey of the short-lived British boy band Let Loose miming with one on Top of the Pops in 1995 here: (Looks just like yours - 12 on top, six on the bottom)

Flat Eric said...

Robert, Hi. Thank so much for this. It looks Very Peter Cook, so will double check with the man himself. Will post results. Cheers. : )