Hi to all of you out there. :)
Another milestone!
Today marks the fact that since I started this,
Fifty Thousand visitors have dropped into my
Bass & Guitar Blog!
Mainly, Bass, I have to admit. :)

I think most are looking for information on a
make or model that they are either looking for
or that they have had in the past.
I get e.mails from all sorts of people, from all
over the world, either asking a specific question
or to tell me that they "had one of those"
I have several really interesting instruments
lined up but I have either not got round to
taking the shots or I have some but am not
happy with them.
So. . . . . I really must get onto that.
Anyway, off to rehearsal tonight,
I'll catch ya later.
Cheers. :)
As I need to get some more decent shots of several
others I have mentioned, I thought just for today, I
will introduce you to the smallest Peavey T-60, in
the world!!!
I came across this and thought, I must have that!!
I have a friend who has a Telecaster, another has
a Martin D28 and someone else I know, has a Fender
Precision. . . . . . . . . . . Lapel Badge!!!!!!!!!!! :)
The coin in a British 5 pence, which measures 18mm or
11/16" !!!
Tiny, isn't it!
Never seen one of these before.
It has a lot of accurate detail on it and for anyone who
likes the Peavey "T" range, is instantly recognisable.
Back next time with something interesting, promise.
Cheers. :)
Yes, I know I said I would do another Jazz but I have struggled
to find any pics of it the one that has all the covers on and the
other Japan '62, I now remember, I have done before - this one!
So, having come across some old pics, the other day, I thought
I would throw this into the ring!!
Jolana Basso.
I bought this yonks ago to use on Bowie type stuff, Ziggy, etcbut to be honest, I never got round to it, so it found a new home.
Not sure what happened to it!
Built for a Budget, is perhaps the best way of describing it.
Having said that, it had quite a nice deep sound.

Jolana made all sorts of guitars, including a Peavey T-40
"Tribute" and an attempt at a Gibson RD.
There is a great site for "Eastern Block" guitars here:
http://cheesyguitars.com/guitars_jolana.htmlWell worth a look and very informative.
Gigged my Peter Cook Axis at the weekend - boy that thing
has got some punch. Loved playing it.
Anyway, things to do - I will try and come back to you with
something else interesting.
Cheers. :)
A Fender!
Yep, I do have a few but they are slowly diminishing, as I work
my way through some of the collection I have enjoyed.
This one was part of the trilogy - two Precisions and a Jazz.
The two precisions have now found new homes and I was
going to hang onto this one but. . . . . .
I lent this to a friend, about 5 years ago, on rather a long loan.
I had it back and although loving it, I nearly parted with it to
another friends bass player but couldn't go through with it.
Anyway, it's a long story but it has now ended up with the the
friend who had it in the first place! With me so far?? :)
Just a joy to play - it just feels so right, I think it has something
to do with the colour.
Lovely rosewood board, period bridge - close your eyes a little
and you get a feeling that this bass is 50 years old.
I know where it is, so it's not like we have parted company,
just changed owners. :)
So, it's bye bye to the Pink Jazz.
Next time, I'll do another '62 - a Sunburst one, very nice!
Two Fender basses in two posts. . . whatever next!
Cheers. :)