Thursday, 13 July 2017

Back in circulation. . . .

Dear readers and followers. :)

If you drop in here on a fairly regular basis, you will have noticed that the content has been a little sparse, over the last few months.

The truth is, I have suffered some ill health during this year and my mind has been on other things, as I'm sure you can understand.

Now things are getting back to normal, I am going to kick start the blog again and carry on listing the rest of the collection.

So, sit tight and over the next couple of weeks, I'll get the ball rolling again.

Cheers. :)


  1. Welcome back! - I really enjoy your articles and informative insights into some wonderful guitars

  2. Welcome back - really enjoy your informative and interesting blogs - I'm mainly bass orientated, and have owned lots of old Peavey's as well as the Fender / Musicman / Gibson stuff.


May 3rd 2012 - New Blogger Set-up, so may as well try this out.:)
If you are an owner of one of the instruments I have, or would like some information, would be great to hear from you.